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Sunday Sermons

Sunday 7th July '24
Acts 2 continued

James Vaughton preaching on Acts 2 v 42-47

00:00 / 23:44

Sunday 23rd June '24
Worshiping with our whole heart

Dave Parr preaching on Revelations 2 v 1-7

00:00 / 15:45

Sunday 9th June '24
Worshiping with ordinary Actions

Liz Vaughton preaching on Colossians 3 v 2-17

00:00 / 20:08

Sunday 26th May '24
Worshiping with our whole lives

Dave Parr preaching on Romans 12 v 1-2

00:00 / 12:31

Sunday 28th April '24
Sermon on the Mount - Wise and Foulish builders

Joy Robertson preaching on Matthew 7 v 24-29

00:00 / 11:35

Sunday 7th April '24
Sermon on the Mount - Ask, seek, knock

Paul Eaton preaching on Matthew 7 v 7-12

00:00 / 31:55

Sunday 24th March '24
Palm Sunday - What kind of King?

Claire Parr preaching on Matthew 21 v 1 - 11

00:00 / 19:12

Sunday 10th March '24
Sermon on the Mount - Do not worry

William Butler preaching on Matthew 6 v 25 - 34

00:00 / 16:16

Sunday 25th Feb '24
Sermon on the Mount - Love your enemies

James Vaughton preaching on Matthew 5 v 38 - 48

00:00 / 23:12

Sunday 21st Jan '24
Sermon on the Mount - Time and Talents

Dave Parr preaching on Matthew Matthew 6 v 1-4 & 19-24

00:00 / 13:26

Sunday 30th June '24
Acts 2

James Vaughton preaching on Acts 2 v 14-41

00:00 / 24:49

Sunday 16th June '24
Worshiping with everyday speech

Claire Parr preaching on James 5 v 13-18

00:00 / 23:46

Sunday 12th May '24
Acts 1

Dave Parr preaching on Acts 1 v 1-11

00:00 / 11:47

Sunday 5th May '24
Road to Emmaus

Dave Parr preaching on Luke 24 v 13-35

00:00 / 12:51

Sunday 14th April '24
Sermon on the Mount -

Sue Glanville preaching on Matthew 7 v 13-23

00:00 / 24:20

Sunday 31st March '24
Easter Sunday

Stuart Eaton preaching on Jeremiah 31 v 31-34

00:00 / 13:06

Sunday 17th March '24
Sermon on the Mount

Clive Tomlinson preaching on Matthew 5 v 17 - 37 & 7 v 1 - 6

00:00 / 16:06

Sunday 3rd March '24
Sermon on the Mount - The Lord's Prayer (Frontline Sunday)

Sarah-Ann Howes preaching on Matthew 6 v 5 - 14

00:00 / 13:28

Sunday 18th Feb '24
Sermon on the Mount - Fasting & Worship

Dave Parr preaching on Matthew 6 v 16-18

00:00 / 11:10

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