Frequently Asked Questions
How big are the hall and garden?
The hall is approximately 8m by 7m, which including a 2.5m by 2.5m corner kitchen area (available floor space is therefore approximately 50m²). The garden is approximately 25m by 15m.
What is the capacity of the hall?
The hall can hold up to 40 adults seated. However we would strongly recommend you visit the hall to assess the appropriateness of its size before booking.
In light of Covid the capacity is currently reduced, depending on the reason of hire, to allow for social distancing.
What facilities does the hall have?
There are a number of folding tables (7 large standard height tables and 8 small low level tables) and 40 chairs. There is crockery and cutlery for 40 as well as approximately 20 plastic cups and plates (all crockery and cutlery must be washed, dried and returned to the kitchen cupboards if used). There are some cooking utensils but no serving dishes, pots, pans or oven ware. The hall has Wi-Fi available on request.
What about the Church Sanctuary?
Hire is only for use of the hall only and access to the toilets. No other rooms are to be used. The door into the main church should remain locked.
Can I use a BBQ?
Gas BBQs only are allowed. These must be used on the concrete outside the main hall door and at least 1m away from the building and stone walls.
Can I play music?
To ensure our close neighbours are not disturbed we do not allow very loud, amplified music. Music played at a reasonable level through a CD player (e.g. for a children’s party or as background music) is allowed.
Can I serve alcohol?
Again to ensure our neighbours are not disturbed, we do not allow hirers to consume alcohol on the premises.
Can I have a bouncy castle, inflatable games etc?
Inflatables are permitted in the garden but not inside the hall. Please note the hirer must take full responsibility for such items.
Can I book the hall early in the morning or late in the evening?
The earliest a booking can start is 8 a.m. All bookings for parties must be complete and the hall vacated by 8 p.m. Other bookings, e.g. for classes or meetings, must be complete and the hall vacated by 10 p.m.
Can I book the hall on a Sunday?
No, the church and hall are used every Sunday for services and so are not available to hire.
How much does it cost to hire the hall?
The first two hours cost £52.50 and £26.25 per hour thereafter. For example, a three-hour booking for a birthday party would be £78.75. If you would like to make a repeat booking for a club or recurring meeting for 10 weeks of more we can offer a discounted rate, dependent on length of booking, so do contact us for more information.
Please note that when the hall is hired for a club, class or meeting, the full period of access to the hall must be booked and paid for. For example, if the hall is booked for an class running from 7 – 8pm, the hire period would need to include reasonable time before and after for setting up and clearing up.
Do I have to pay a deposit for damages?
No but we would expect you to report and pay for any damage occurring during the hall hire period.
Do I have to pay a deposit to secure my booking?
For one off bookings we expect full payment in advance.
If you have any other questions about our hall hire do please get in contact by email at: secretary@bearfield.org.