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1 Peter 5 v 8 - 11

The devil or Satan first appeared in Scriptures in the ancient book of Job, who is commonly thought to have lived around the time of Abraham. We can read in the opening chapter of that book of the devil's appearance before God. His role, it seems, was one of accuser, but there does appear to be some kind of relationship between he and God (Job 1 v 17). We can read about his origin in the prophecies of Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12-17 and that passage tells us about his fall from his position amongst the angels. In the book of Daniel-chapter 10 verses 12-14- where read about wars in the heavens and Satan's disruptive role in God's plans.. In the New Testament, the role of the devil becomes more aggressive and we read of him tempting Jesus in the wilderness (although there is mystery there as we read that the Holy Spirit led Him (or pushed Him may be more accurate a translation) there-Matthew 4 v 1. We are told in Luke's Gospel that, when Judas Iscariot agreed with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus, Satan entered into his heart to enable him to do that dark work (Luke 22 v 1). Elsewhere, the apostolic writers warn against any kind of agreement with him, urging their readers to put on the full armour of God in which to face him. This is quite a vivid description of the devil Peter gives here. Our son's fiancée is a zoo keeper at Regent's Park zoo in London and has worked occasionally with the lions and tigers. No matter how well you befriend them you have to always be on the alert, never entering their enclosure if they are there. Now and then, news comes of zookeepers being mauled by the lions they look after. Don't ever forget that the devil is there to destroy your life. There is another vivid picture in the tale of Pinocchio who was tempted to follow the trail of bad boys to Pleasure island, where they are gradually turned into donkeys. Don't let Satan make an ass of you! One of the aims in church attendance, house group involvement and daily readings and prayers is to build yourself up so to withstand his temptations and assaults.


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